Tuesday, July 23, 2024

A New Science from the Hydrology of self-watering flower pots


*Author: Elson Silva, Ph.D. Soil Science - Pennsylvania State UniversityUSA

The first recorded observation of 
CAPILLARY ACTION was by Leonardo da Vinci in 1519The long-standing shortcoming of TUBE THEORY is that capillary action can only perform upward vertically opposite to gravity pull.
 However, it is a perfect setup to describe the spatial hydraulic gradient in the Unsaturated Hydraulic Zone dispalying the arrangement of negative and positive pressure potential according to porosity properties.

TUBARC ACTION allows 'CAPILLARY ACTIONdownward radially from the saturated source, reaching the water table within the Unsaturated Zone and delivering an advanced, reversible, and self-sustaining transfer of fluid delivering new Hydrodynamic conceptions by molecular connectivity on dragging properties. 

Tubarc (tube + arc) can be flexible with a prevailing cylindrical geometry bearing continuous lateral flow, maintaining pores connected longitudinally, linking multiple compartments, moving fluid in response to a hydraulic gradient within the Unsaturated Hydraulic Zone by an advanced artificial porosity non affected by the constriction of tube geometry imposed by capillarity

Then, Hydrotechnology as a NEW SCIENCE, after two decades upgrades from a scientific issue to a simple HONESTY OUTCOMEHonest people would reason that wicking and phlogiston are in the same circumstances under a sound scientific approach with a very predictable deadline. The Hydraulic Conductivity gap in the issued patents of USPTO is decisive evidence that Hydrology has been neglect on fluidic devices and the conceptions of Unsaturated Flow are not yet fully developed nor are they easily applied according to the scientific literature (Physical and Chemical Hydrogeology, Domenico & Schwartz, John Wiley & Sons, 1990, p. 88). Usually the scientific community is very eager to reject openly any threat to accepted paradigms. Finally, wick/wicking is not reported in the Hydrological scientific literature, just employed by lay scientists daring to handle fluids skipping what science is all about, loyalty to nature functioning and updated human knowledge.


On measuring conductivity parameters, we can assume that technically it is easier to gauge fluid motion than heat or electricity. Analyzing patents at USPTO, around 100.000 issued patents addressing capillarity and/or wicking, by ignoring HYDROLOGY can be considered frauded and worthless. When fully explored, patents measuring HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY could reach around 200.000 patents as inventors learn about fluid dynamics on NATURAL POROSITIES of CLASSICAL HYDROLOGY on OLD textbooks.

A cactus flowering and enjoying 13 years of UNSATURATED HYDRAULIC FLOW providing a permanent luxurious water supply and plenty of oxgygen in the rooting system, around 15% of air v/v.

How much is worth 300.000 US patents migrating from Wicking to Unsaturated Hydraulic Flow, fixing the Intellectual Property System by letting Laws of Nature (SCIENCE) prevail over CROOKED Laws of Man (LEGALESE)? 


"Chemistry of Dynamite releases power for business while the Hydrology of Life reveals the principle of our continued existence."

"Corporativism is close to selling their mommies or printing the bills while academia is just dishonoring old textbooks rotting in their libraries!"

"The honeybee queen is neither selected by vote, nor murdered by their own kind! 

Human power is just a mirage spoiling survival."

"The human dilemma is not between capitalism x communism. Governments fails by corruption and dishonesty. Democracy can be faked and self-protecting. In my place vote is mandatory, as political campaigns are sponsored by the public treasure by LAW from crooked LAWMAKERS legalizing hush money. Hard to select less corrupt politicians. The inefficient and expensive justice has the power to make the truth LEGAL or ILLEGAL. The media is biased and sponsored by public resources as chaos is highly profitable making good deeds far from the mainstream. Scientists pretend to understand science and nature."

SCIENCE is comprehension and understanding of NATURE

USPTO massive IP violation has been an important outcome to validate TUBARC


NATURE works regardless of  human HONESTY


RICH just concentrates resources from POOR


"There is no recipe for a new science, but if the gap is huge, just plenty to fill it in"


“Scientists nowadays are enchanted by the Chemistry of Dynamite molding science an ungly and insane business. Sars-Cov-2 hinted that trade bewteen profiting and saving lives. While the Hydrology of self-watering flowerpots can rescue science on pursuing a balance with aimed nature functioningModern life is bringing new changes that spoil  our physiology diverting it from the evolutionary roots.”. 

“Like Germans, trading an unsustainable easier life to support blindly the THIRD REICH erasing around 75 million lives on inimaginable atrocieties most in front of their noseAnd so, are Israelis following this ‘TREND’ but, upgrading from RACE ATROCITIES to BUSINESS ATROCITIES supported by Americans!”

"In the wealthiest and MOST POWERFUL country in the world, adults are 42% obese . . . there is plenty of power to destroy our planet, but not enough will for HONESTY and compel fitnessHumans took a while to wear clothes, but soon they will learn to close their mouths and shake their legs… Our DNA was not programmed to let us run away from food but using our muscles to chase it for survival! Humans are so distracted that they even forget that sex was created for procreation and not a toy . . .like psychedelic drugs that were not in our evolution, so very unlikely to make us healthier."

“Our freedom and goals are contained in the boundaries of self-preservation, taking care of ourselves and always delivering safely the next generation to come.”

“Simply by curbing obesity and animal protein consumption can reduce the pressure on logging forests hunted down by ANIMAL PRODUCTION INDUSTRY – raising livestock to feed humans! So, being ELEGANT and FIT is even BETTER FOR THE EYES OF NATURE FUNCTIONING.”

Naive Environmentalists fight to save the Amazon Rain Forest, but in front of their eyes at home, common URBAN TREES, AROUND THE WORLD, are not even permitted swings for children, displacing bad people by enticing happy families over that PUBLIC AREA! No damages to the branches, but a strong bond between those ones to inherit our future and their best friends rescueing humanity and improving URBAN SOCIABILITY.

By providing our children swings on urban trees we start sowing to the future generations, imprinting in the infancy core, a natural bonding to keep the forests.

"A famous Brazilian Theologian and Philosopher Rubem Alves confirmed that swinging for adults is also a therapy for depression."

Soon we discovered that there were no swings for adults on parks . . . as they were children one day enjoying swinging!

I have four diplomas, but I like more climbing on trees . . .



DEVELOPING NEW HYDRODYNAMIC CONCEPTIONS to the fluidic devices as Unsaturated Hydraulic Flow (negative (-) pressure) from Edgard Buckingham (1907) updating Darcy's Law (1856) about Hydraulic Conductivity on porosity (Soil Physics, Jury et al., 1991, John Wiley) was mentioned in the Patent  6,766,817 (2004) in the American patenting system for the FIRST TIME on Artificia Porosity deploying basic knowledge about fluid flow on porosity systems from  Hydrology/Hydrogeology/Soil Physics already plenty on libraries.

This outcome is updating the Cradle of Hydrology to 70 thousand of years ago when Special Fluidic DevicesOil Lamps were invented by the Ancient Man making and controlling fire, triggering the onset of the human modern life. Man was able to make fire about a million of years ago, but HYDROLOGY was the keystone to  control it, changing from  SOLID to LIQUID FUEL, becoming more efficient, safer, durable, and portable!

'First Oil Lamps of manmade materials were found in the Egypt, Greece and Rome and are considered probably the FIRST MASS PRODUCED OBJECTS IN HISTORY. They were made from terracotta, bronze, stone and alabaster, in a shape of a dish that would hold oil and a place for a wick that would prolong burning and prevented the whole surface of the oil to catch fire.'


“Energy handling by human UPGRADING FROM solid fuel, liquid fuel, gaseous fuel, electric fuel feeding electronic approach on binary. Communication is improving by streams of bits, as THERE IS NO ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, just poor algorithm manipulation on visual and auditory senses tricking what we see or listen to. However, touchsmell, and taste cannot become binary as light and sound are electromagnetic radiation easy to become 0 and 1 bits. Brain performance is variable, but not always gifted ones (intellligent) know how to use such advantages to highlight human existence. Well, HITLER was very intelligent, as dumb people cannot accomplish such enormous atrocities. So, AI can become good or bad depending on who is handling it."


1 - First Porosity - GEOLOGICAL: It was the first generation of a random porosity to appear in Nature by rock weathering making up the granular soils systems starting about two billion of years ago.

2 - Second Porosity - BIOLOGICAL: It was the second generation of an organized porosity created by live beings about a billion of years ago as multicellular plants and animals increased in size developing varied mechanisms for internal fluid cycling, giving each cell a continuous logistic interface for chemical exchange building up the required functioning of specialized infrastructure for each species allowing its evolution for  survival. Standing plants created phloem and xylem vessels while moving animals needing faster flow rates created required pumping systems.

3 - Third Porosity - ARTIFICIAL: It is the third generation of an advanced porosity  combining the functioning of Geological and Biological porosities with human knowledge to derive new Hydrodynamic conceptions of Unsaturated Flow (negative pressure) expanding the boundaries of Hydrology. It is presently feasible by considering a spatial modeling of pore geometry and human limitations to handle matter at molecular level. The pores can be continuously connected longitudinally as a prevailing cylindrical format boosting an enhanced ANISOTROPIC HYDRAULIC FLOW. It addresses new hydrodynamic properties of Unsaturated Hydraulic Conductivity and Kinetic Energy Exchange in the dynamics of continuous mass flow not yet portrayed to human knowledge.




HYDROTECHNOLOGY is a NEW SCIENCE of Hydrology/Hydrogeology/Soil Physics on FLUID DYNAMICS working with ARTIFICIAL POROSITY.

It applies a spatial modeling of pores geometry for advanced porosity, revealing new Hydrodynamic conceptions of molecular connectivity for self-sustaining and reversjble,  Unsaturated Hydraulic FlowThe pores can be continuously connected longitudinally as a prevailing cylindrical format boosting a more efficient anisotropic hydraulic flowUnder gravity conditions, a flexible artificial porosity arranged in the transition of Saturated and Unsaturated Hydraulic Zones, in one or more compartments, attains self-sustaining reversible properties for fluid supply and/or drainage resulting from the differential hydraulic potential and intrinsic properties.  Hydrotechnology can be expanded even more toward mass flow dynamics when the molecular connectivity affects the performance of kinetic energy exchange. It can take place between inertial and rotating forces of non-partitioning flow on geometric curves and molecular dragging.

HYDROTECNOLOGY was born pursuing the principles of LIFE - Large animals employ pumping mechanisms to recycle fluids internally having from tiny to large fluid conductors, making fluids move by  pressure (+) and/or suction (-) providing each cell a continuous hydrodynamic exchange interface. The circulatory system on Physiological functioning employs a very complex  Saturated (+) and Unsaturated Hydraulic Flow (-) interaction in the pathways from cells, heart, lungs and back to its origin in the cycle, passing through intestines, kidneys, liver, etc., for homeostase. In a close circulatory system, pushing the fluid (+) can be as important as pulling (-) it letting  Saturated and Unsaturated Hydraulic Flow  perform their instrinsic properties, mainly  MOLECULAR CONNECTIVITY  which seems to be clogless. Live beings are a Hydrodynamic System that the ratio of water composition implies the proportion of its importance. We see the chemistry on live beings, but reason makes water as the main purpose to be. Water allowed the Chemistry of LIFE EXISTENCE by combining Chemistry and Physics.

How tenable is HYDROTECNOLOGY?


Running an exploratory analysis about the conductivity parameters at USPTO on issued patents, it can be verified that Hydrology has been neglected more than a century about Hydrodynamics on porosity systems of Fluidic Devices: Considering intellectual property affairs, it is very likely that all patenting systems around the world would have a similar performance.

                                                               Mar 19, 2007        Jan 07,2015         Nov 30, 2023

Thermal/Heat Conductivity                      61,033                 100.744                  176.074

Electrical/Electric Conductivity                                             76.949                  139.254

Hydraulic Conductivity                                                                750                     1.329

Unsaturated Hydraulic Conductivity              17                          29                          38

Wick/wicking                                             21,784                    33.577                   66.415

De: Abraham Duncan Stroock [mailto:abe.stroock@cornell.edu]
Enviada em: terça-feira, 22 de abril de 2014 22:20
Para: Elson Silva, PhD
Assunto: RE: [06856] Protecting Hydrology Science from REINVENTION by corrupt LAY PEOPLE colluding with USPTO - US Pat 8,701,469

Dear Dr. Silva,

‘...  If you have a point to make about my treatment of hydrological concepts, I ask that you take the time to explain your specific points of disagreement.  I note that my work is better represented in my publications (available at http://www.stroockgroup.org/home/publicationsthan in patents, as the lawyers have been translated the latter into legalese that I do not understand.
From: Moulis, Thomas <Thomas.Moulis@uspto.gov> 
Date: Fri, Aug 7, 2015 at 12:40 PM 
Subject: RE: Conspiracy and Brainwashing III – USPTO is preaching to their Patent Examiners that they do not need to be known in the art for judging and allowing IP rights when issuing patents! 
To: Elson Silva, PhD <tubarc@gmail.com>


You are a fool--- 
If you can’t understand legal or technical writing, you have no business blogging about it. 
Wicking is a term of art---fluid will travel in any direction via the fibers—regardless of gravity.


From: Arlen.Soderquist@USPTO.GOV
Subject: RE: People behind wick/wicking neither understand HYDORLOGY nor the functioning of oil lamps!!!!!
Date: Thu, 2 Jul 2015 23:44:46 +0000

Dr. Silva,

               I am a scientist that came to work for the patent office…  …  Have I taken a formal class in hydrologyhydrogeology or soil physics?  No.  …  Or that sometimes one can have opposing forces and whether water moves in one direction or the other depends on the relative size of the opposing forces.  No.  

De: Owen, Steven [mailto:steven.owen@uconn.edu]
Enviada em: quarta-feira, 5 de outubro de 2011 11:36
Para: Elson Silva, PhD
Assunto: RE: {SPAM?} Protecting Hydrology Science from REINVENTION

Mr. Silva, has anyone ever called you a nutcase
Are people out to get you? 
Are you having some trouble keeping up with your medications?

Steven V. Owen
University Professor Emeritus
Educational Psychology


This email from an Emeritus Faculty of Educational Psychology provided valuable insights and feedback showing how deep the academic community is compromised on scientific affairs in the US.They were supposed to know that Darcy’s Law on Hydraulic Conductivity is not written in the US constitution, but endorsed by Mother Nature.

Science is our understanding on nature functioning. Humans learn to respect nature early as babies on the first steps taming gravity for walking and running. Soon we understand the consequences of missteping and falling down. Therefore, all issued patents dealing with wick/wicking are CERTAINLY frauded because PATENT EXAMINERS ignored their homework from the beginning of their lives - GRAVITY

Sir Isaac Newton defined the Law of Universal Gravitation in 1687. He was inspired to formulate his theory of gravitation by watching the fall of an apple from a tree.

Scientists, inventors, patent attorneys, and patent examiners handling wick/wicking in the patenting system about the functioning, have comprehension neither on oil lamps nor on Hydraulic Zones of Hydrology/Hydrogeology/Soil physics regarding the dynamics of fluids on porosity. 

Lay inventors and scientists have looked at, but haven’t seen it on the core of functioning principles long standing on old textbooks of CLASSICAL SCIENCES plenty on libraries

USPTO states that legal wicking is a term of art---fluid will travel in any direction via the fibersregardless of gravity. 

"Americans ERRONEOUSLY assume that legal oil lamps and legal candles can work upsided down. ignoring GRAVITY."


Why did I create HYDROTECNOLOGY?


FIRST ASSUMPTION: My broad background in Agricultural Sciences, B.S. in Animal Husbandry, M.Sc. in Animal Nutrition, and Ph.D. in Soil Science allowed me to realize the difference among soil porosity, paper porosity and synthetic cord porosity. How does my mind work? In brief: “I failed a Cooper Test running 12 min quitting after half the time. But afterwards, I kept running and increasing my time 30 s every other day. Six months later I subscribed to a full marathon for curiosity. I FINISHED A MARATHON 42 km in 3h23 min at the age of 23”. Soil PhysicsHydrogeology, and Hydrology principles of fluid flow on porosity were developed on natural porosities of soil and rocks, except capillarity that is based on tube theory. So, a new science HYDROTECHNOLOGY was created purely on INTELLECTUAL RESOURCES and not a specific BUDGETIt is already approved by Mother NATURE and now I  have this special opportunity to grab how humans handle it! 

SECOND ASSUMPTION: Scientists have been brainwashed, mainly by THE CHEMISTRY OF DYNAMITE, that there is a huge economical reward revealing NATURE secrets by EMPLOYING EXPENSIVE TECHNOLOGY. For example, James Webb Space Telescope costing 10 billion USD is not different from my cellular that captures electromagnetic radiation reaching its sensors. So, if the universe were the size of the earth planet, my cellular would only say about my neighborhood. However, a huge budget pressures scientists PhDs to ignore Metaphysics and Epistemology of Science to temper this achievement pretending worthwhile. We already called our own species homo sapiens, to pretend that we KNOW. The dark side of the universe means only that, if there were lights from that direction, it has not yet reached us. In around 4 billion years of our planetary history, we had no aliens to affect our evolution, it seems that we won’t leave as well because light is just an electromagnetic radiation. With the atomic arsenal developed, we can destroy our planet, but we won’t bother others. Dishonesty is the main challenge down the line.

THIRD ASSUMPTION: It is indeed painful to accept that an isolated scientist, by himself would create a new science with a budget lower than a dollar in the backyard of his home: 20 cm of a nylon cord and a piece of drying paper hanging in the wall. The explanation is quite simple, as HydrologistsHydrogeologists and Soil Scientists only work with natural granular porosities of rocks and soils. There is no interest for them to work with artificial porosities. Without employing ARTIFICIAL POROSITY, the concepts of Unsaturated Hydraulic Flow could not have been fully developed as recognized by the scientific literatureMalleable cylindrical fibers of plastic cords allow an interface between Hydraulic Zones (+) and (-) with continuous pores connected longitudinally in a “U” upsided down making fluid move from Saturated Zone down to Unsaturated Zone up, coming down in the other leg, crossing the water table reference in a different compartment making the fluid flow in the Saturated Zone (+). I believe that gravity in my backyard is not that different from there at USPTO, with some correction by altitude. Lay inventors and scientists working with artificial porosities had comprehension NEITHER on wick of oil lamps, NOR basic knowledge about fluid dynamics on porosities plenty on libraries to measure Unsaturated Hydraulic Conductivity (volume/area/time under a hydraulic gradient mm3/mm2/s or mm/s).

FOURTH ASSUMPTION: Scientists not only are missing a deep understanding about their titles, PhD, on Philosophy of Science, but also disconnected to scientific affairs assuming that Science is approved by wealthy SCIENCTIFIC COMMUNITIES and not by NATURE. I hope that Sars-Cov-2 outcome have refreshed their minds. The longer to bring this NEW SCIENCE HYDROTECNOLOGY for discussion, more insights are revealed regarding SCIENTIFIC AFFAIRS to understand NATURE FUNCTIONING. I believe that there is no power on earth to erase the content on libraries. Knowledge created can only be upgraded.

FIFTH ASSUMPTION: Internet access allowed an instantaneous contact at USPTO database for patenting search on critical exploratory analysis about key technical words mainly ‘CONDUCTIVITY’ parameters. Soon I figured out that inventors were employing the word wick/wicking instead of Unsaturated Hydraulic Conductivity common in Hydrogeology, Hydrology, and Soil Physics commonplace in my textbooks of PhD in Soil Science. Also, names of inventors, patent attorneys, patent examiners, and top leader easily could be contacted simply analyzing the email structure as people use their names on their emails.

LEGITIMACY Apparently complex, Hydrotechnology can be as simple as demonstrated in few minutes by employing a cup of water and a drying paper hanging on the wallSo far, it had been concealed in front our eyes like a tip of an iceberg, also hibernating like a bear and waiting the right time to be active by displaying its purpose for disguising deep insights about the role of WATER in the makeup of our planet surface, as well as, the composition and functioning of live beings.

This figure below shows visually the spatial dynamics of continuous water movement in the porosity of the drying paper. Water moves in response to a hydraulic gradient potential pursuing a balance and guiding updated technical frontiers for portraying new Hydrodynamic conceptions absent on textbooks:

Learning and Understanding about Hydraulic Zones and Molecular Connectivity

Vertical flow in Unsaturated Zone is explained by Classical Hydrogeology

In the cup, water in the surface has zero hydraulic pressure (dashed line), also known as Hydraulic Head, becoming Positive Pressure downward as the increasing weight of a vertical column of water within the Zone of Positive Pressure. Water raises in the paper by hydrophilic attraction to the solid surface of porosity reducing gravity force getting an increasing Negative Pressure upward in the Zone of Negative Pressure, technically called Unsaturated Hydraulic Flow.

Although SHF – Saturated Hydraulic Flow (+) is opposite to UHF – Unsaturated Hydraulic Flow (-) in relation to potential pressure, the hydrodynamic properties are independent and asymmetricnon complementary:

1. The SHF has unlimited horizontal movement depending on the length of draining slope. The UHF has radial movement from a point sustained by molecular connectivity of a permanent saturated source. The radial format of expansion in the paper explains a chain of molecular tension from a continuous saturated source. The potential of UHF depends on the amount of attraction force in the solid surface of porosity and weight of water volume hanging in the pores, as associated to the exponential r2 to volume and 2r to perimeter area of the cylinder in the case of longitudinally continuous pores.

2. The SHF can receive pressure increment adding to gravity force in order to increase flow while UHF needs a reduction of gravity force or higher losses by evaporation. It happens as molecules flow in response to attraction of solid surface of porosity making up a negative gradient by overtaking gravity force. Consequently, having lower gravity force or higher losses by evaporation result in larger radial unsaturated flow.

3. Pressure is used to push while suction is employed to pull the hydraulic flow which represents an asymmetric dynamics in the molecular behavior of fluid flow. As analogy it would be like a train bearing many connected cars over the rail which can be pulled and/or pushed. But, without rails it could still be pulled in case there is surface support. This property is relevant to filtering processes by molecular dragging and surface transport of particles by erosive forces by self-cleaning. Pressure on Saturated Hydraulic Flow takes to clogging while Suction by Unsaturated Hydraulic Flow does not clog while molecular connectivity stands in the fluid flow.

4Steady State of SHF and UHF is achieved when there is no hydraulic gradient to let the fluid move downward or upward. Fluid in the UHF can fall if it crossover the Hydraulic Head downward, when molecules in the Negative Hydraulic Zone (-) move to Positive Hydraulic Zone (+) becoming SHF..The falling molecules can attract more water molecules speeding up the UHF.

Capillarity aims at capturing a contained vertical Hydraulic Unsaturated Flow phenomenon. But, it faces spatial restriction for contention as it is based on the tube theory, becoming unable to represent and make up a porosity system entirelySuch limitations can be reduced and upgraded by tubarc (tube + arc), which allows a constant lateral flow through a continuous lateral opening in the cylinder. In the granular porosity of soils and rocks, the pores are randomly distributed. By tubarc artificial porosity, the pores can be continuous and longitudinally connected having lateral flow by the tubarc geometry. As it can be noticed, tubarc also expands the surface area increasing the attraction of solid phase, consequently resulting in a larger hydrophilic effect.

Oil lamps and self-watering flowerpots are fluidic devices that allow a removal of fluid in the Unsaturated Hydraulic Zone as gaseous form when molecular connectivity in the fluid is interrupted by its evaporation or combustion. Oil lamps use heat from the flame burning fuel while flowerpots use heat in the air feeding regular evapotranspiration rates. A new option to collect fluid from the Unsaturated Hydraulic Zone is by returning the fluid to the Saturated Hydraulic Zone when molecular connectivity is broken by the weight of water molecules crossing downward the Hydraulic Head reference line, from negative (-) to postivie (+). When there is no saturated water below the Hydraulic Head reference in the porosity, the falling water would pull water molecules downward speeding up the Unsaturated Hydraulic Flow, as already shown above.

Unsaturated Hydraulic Flow takes place when tiny amount of water penetrates the pores, on rocks and soil, attracted to the solid porosity strong enough to make the fluid move upward by its adhesion and cohesion properties stronger than the pull of gravity downward. The flow increases by higher attraction in the solid phase, HYDROPHYLLIC EFFECT, and smaller amount of water having lower weight affected by gravity. A simple droplet of water holding under a solid surface would have a vertical chain of up to 12 million molecules giving some insights about hydraulic conductivity when pores are smaller than 100 micrometers and increased solid surface. Osmosis employs a similar approach, as the solute is free in the solution, not held in the solid surfce, but restrained inside a membrane barrier. Manipulating fluids inside live beings, is more practical to handle solutes than attraction of solid surfaces. Inside large plants, Unsaturated Hydraulic Flow helps to move water long distances while Osmosis short distances, giving turgidity when required. Such fluid flow properties can be easily visualized in the hydrology of watermelon and citrus, as well as on coconut fruit. The ancient man employed natural fibers and fat to control fire as small flames developing OIL LAMPS, making fire last longer, consuming less fuel, having portability practical for lighting after the sunset, or dark environments like caves.

HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY (volume/area/time, mm3/mm2/s or mm/s flowing by a hydraulic gradient) - Oil lamps take about 15 ml/h of kerosene to feed the flame while an African violet consume about 1 ml/h of water to replace the evapotranspiration rates. The highest fluid flow gauged on artificial porosity was K = 2.18 mm/s of Unsaturated Hydraulic Conductivity (6,766,817). It could deliver by the unsaturated hydraulic syphon below 16.9 ml/h (K = 0.37 mm/s), or vertically up to 99.6 ml/h at the flow rate of K = 2.18 mm/s.

The reversible flow transmission between compartment and tubarc geometry (tube+arc) to correct capillarity are proposals that were patented in the US (US Pat. 6,766,817). This flow helps to estimate hydraulic conductivity potential of the device called unsaturated hydraulic siphon (wicks). 

Learning how to gauge Conductivity




The simple definition – “A group of lay scientists that started around 1980s working with fluids, too lazy to check on libraries CLASSICAL HYDROLOGICAL SCIENCES, making a broad range of fraud (wicking mob) for not knowing what they were doing. In 1856 Henry Darcy proposed an equation to gauge Hydraulic Conductivity (Darcy’s Law). But, in 1907 Edgard Buckingham proposed a change in the equation for Unsaturated Hydraulic Flow (Soil Physics, Jury et al., 1991, John Wiley). I got surprised that Dr. Gorfinkel, Physicist and Mathematician, reinvented Tubarc again in 2012 with references NEITHER on US pat. 6.766.817 (2004) nor Hydrology. Even they employ ‘capillary action, having no idea how it works, and Hydraulic Zones, even less Hydraulic Conductivity.

How can you have ‘capillary action’ when on legal wicking fluid moves regardless of gravity?

Well, all humans are prone to mistakes. But, fixing them is the keystone!

There is no ‘capillary pressure’! But capillary suction or capillary NEGATIVE (-) PRESSURE!

Academic Fraud at Washington State University

All classical scientific literature on Hydrology/Hydrogeology/Soil Physics discussing about Capillarity has no single quotation on wick/wicking. Dr. Yager filed many patents at USPTO about capillarity with no single Hydrology reference, but quoting wick/wicking 151 times, instead of Unsaturated Hydraulic Flow.

Hydraulic Conductivity measures the amount of fluid mm3 crossing a sectional area mm2 per time second under a hydraulic gradient (mm3/mm2/s or mm/s).



Huge OPPORTUNITY ahead to explore!


The scientific and technological gap on Hydrology is so huge that I was able to gauge UNSATURATED HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY on artificial porosity at home, just employing simple background from my PhD in Soil Science (volume/area/time).


I can assure you that measuring Unsaturated Hydraulic Conductivity is much easier than Thermal and Electrical Conductivity, when you have intellectual tools available. Since I got no reward from my Intellectual Property rights, even creating a new science in the most advanced country in the world, even having Patent Attorneys as partners, and even requesting authorities and politicians to RESPECT SCIENCE and THE LAW. I was ALSO restrained to build up conditions to explore ENERGY EXCHANGE ON MASS FLOW DYNAMICS between inertial and rotating forces when molecular dragging affect non partitioning flow on geometric curves.

Hydrology - The scientific study of the properties, distribution, and effects of water on the earth's surface, in the soil and underlying rocks, and in the atmosphere.

Hydro-   Indicating or denoting water, liquid, or fluid.

What is the chance that a CORRUPT GOVERNMENT sponsored by a biased scientific community SHAMEFULLY FAILING ON SCIENCE, that grabbed 2/3 of NOBEL PRIZE NOMINATIONS, dirty money from warfare by the FATHER OF DYNAMITE, will erase Hydrology from libraries???


Scientists bearing broad intellectual resources cannot claim to be naïve . . . they have a PhD title to understand and defend . . .

Poor Plagiarism at USPTO by lay people


USPTO is running a sort of REINVENTION POLICY that scared my partners, American Patent Attorneys to pursue a SCIENTIFIC BREAKTHROUGH, arguing that the system was designed for cheating science and favor big bullies. It takes US$ 50 K to get a patent, but it does require 3 to 5 million dollars to suing reinventors for swindling. THEY QUIT THE PROJECT SAYING THAT A GOOD IDEA IN POOR HANDS HAS NO CHANCE IN THE LAND OF THE FREE, HOME OF THE BRAVE’. Below is a list of 13 corporations and 5 top universities reinventing my invention having no respect and background to claim it. Celanese Acetate, LLC number 9 is the most obvious poor plagiarism.

I am not that disappointed, as a I see no difference dying one day poor and unknown, or wealthy and famous, as my luggage to eternity will be the same. Nonetheless, 
they solved my issue about testing my conception of Tubarc,(tube+arc) to upgrade capillarity on how tenable and important it can be. Nature already approved it, and so did USPTO reinventing it many timesIt has been funny seeing LAWYERS with background lower than High School pretending of doing their duties and scientists from Harvard that simply do not understand their patents.

Wicking Gang by lay people

Well, CareFusion 207, Inc reinvented Tubarc just 11 times, with some Patent Examiners that even had cited my patent (US Pat. 6,766,817).

HYDROTECNOLOGY teaches that SCIENCE is our understanding on Nature functioning.

A fresh NEW CLASSICAL SCIENCE coined in the outskirt of the derailed human culture brings insights about the present underlying SCIENTIFIC COMMUNITY FUNCTIONING to upgrade RATIONAL SCIENTIFIC AFFAIRS obeying and pursing an AIMED BALANCE. Alfred Nobel never got any college degree, but working with the chemistry of explosives, FATHER OF DYNAMITE, was highly blessed by the governments getting VERY RICH by expanding our knowledge on warfare helping to decimate millions of human beings. He ALSO put price on science with Nobel Prizes nominations suggesting that scientific achievement should be rewarded with DIRTY MONEY, sharpening our greed on MAKING MONEY, letting SCIENCE work for the ECONOMY and wicked POLITICSGENOCIDE IN GAZA AND UKRAINE SHOWS THAT PROFIT IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN SAVING LIVES AND PRESERVE THE LANDSCAPE. TERRORISTS killed around 1400 jews, while decent Jewish people that suffered from German extermination did something similar decimating around 37.000 Palestinians, comprised 15.000 children and 10.000 women, making Gaza looking like during WWII London, Manila, Warsaw, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Berlin, Dresden, etc. 

'Oppressed people are the best oppressors by employing know-how they suffered from'

Even worse than Germans, because Jewish and Palestinians are people with the same culture, the same race, and different religion. It seems that the reasoning for the killing is just business between peoples with common roots.  This is very weird as Germans were doing a race extermination while Jewish is playing a shameful BUSINESS EXTERMINATION endorsed by Americans, the wealthiest country in the world where profit is more important than saving livesEVEN THEIR OWN ONES, as the leader of Covid-19 tragedies, dumping around 1.2 million Americans, more than those wars in the past!

Deep inside in the reasoning, Nobel Prize Nomination is a reward using money from HUMAN GENOCIDE, pretending good intentions deceiving SCIENTISTS to work for the ECONOMY ignoring NATUREThere is nothing noble behind NOBEL PRIZES!

I cannot create a new science pretending I have no awareness on general human affairs. Indeed, the truth is cruel and hard to swallow for all of us.


I preach myself that is better suffering with the truth than be happy with fantasies!

HONESTY is the unique equation to ENSURE HUMAN EXISTENCE on a long range.

Modern Scientists employ the SCIENTIFIC METHOD without learning about Philosophy of Science, mainly Epistemology and Metaphysics. Well, with the scientific method we can prove if man is more intelligent than woman. Any quantification approach and exploratory analysis can prove the differences. An INTELLIGENT man has a mother and possibly daughters. Nature gave breasts and womb to females to ensure our reproduction. Before checking the statistics, we need to pay attention to the underlying principles. Man and woman are not equal, but they are the same thing. Perhaps this is the reasoning behind homosexual marriage ignoring that Nature took some millions of years to develop our reproductive system, always combining male with female, the biological functioning that gave life to all humans since the beginning of times. WE HAVE TO PROTECT THE WAY WE WERE BORN! Indeed, any person that want to discuss this issue has a MOTHER and a FATHER. Obeying nature functioning, everybody that respect GRAVITY can walk and run. Pursuing a balance with MOTHER NATURE, they will have children if they want to follow mommy and daddyIT IS NOT FEASIBLE WALKING WHILE IGNORING GRAVITY!

The difference between a PhD thesis and a patent is that a researcher develops new knowledge with proof as thesis to become a scientist. The scientific method is employed, but insights from Philosophy of Science for their titles is neglected. Patent is the core of a special system of intellectual property that a scientist creating an invention by expanding the boundaries of knowledge, get a document protecting it which is far beyond the author's comprehension. CAN YOU HAVE INTELLECTUAL RESOURCES TO INVENT SOMETHING NEW BUT IS ANABLE TO UNDERSTAND THE DOC THAT PROTECT IT? Lawyers that never studied science have the power to transform SCIENCE into a LEGALESE in the patenting system bearing a language that scientists do not understand. IT SEEMS THAT SCIENCE BECAME A BUSINESS ON INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY AFFAIRS HANDLED BY LAWYERS. Lawyers already messed the world economic system in 2008 burning 41 trillion dollars from the economy. Well, Nature sent Sars-Cov-2 recently in the last pandemic to let humans refresh their mind who is in charge over the landscape. As a baby we learn to respect Nature on our first steps taming gravity for walking and running, and soon we understand the consequences of ignoring it, falling and feeling the punishment. I believe that gravity in the US is not different from gravity in Brazil. I hope that people around the world reading my posts have the same gravity that we have here in the land o King Pelé! Pelé was highly concerned about protecting children to ensure their future. He proved that human talent can make a difference. Banana is the most nutritious and consumed fruit in the world, monkeys are primates close to us. Associating black people to banana and monkeys as racism is the same role as the media was hiding atrocities of the WWII, mainly the Nazi Concentration Camp and human suffering from the atomic bombs: EXPLOITING HUMAN IGNORANCE HIDING AND MANIPULATING THE TRUTH. This is a SHAME, as banana is better than any junk food in a supermarket. Monkey, as any animal, is just close to human genealogy. NATURE CARES FOR ALL FORMS OF EXISTENCECertainly, the actual human degradation is fat people eating junk food.  No doubt that it helps the economy fattening ouselves like pigs. Sorry to those animals raised in feedlots with plenty of food and no fitness.This is not supposed to happen to homo sapiens!



Adolf Hitler wanted his Arian race to run the world - MOTIVATION. He failed losing WWII decimating around 75 million people making so many kind of atrocities. Well, he convinced enough of GERMAN SOCIETY to try it. People buy drugs because there is something good behind it for consumers to spend their money. Why would humans buy something that is totally bad? Drug dealers have customers with high demand to purchase something just illegal. Robbers try to get what is not theirs, having a strong feeling of owning something that is valuable and useful. Nobody steals trash! Rare humans are serving time behind bars for doing something irrelevant to them. Rare people murder for no reason!




WHY AMERICAN INVENTORS WANT TO FILE MANY PATENTS THAT DO NOT WORK AND WAS ALREADY INVENTED GROUNDED ON A CLASSICAL SCIENCE? What kind of intellectual protection there is behind a flawed patent? In the end, there is a full explanation about Ecolab, Inc and USPTO granting patents that does not work and was already issued based on my textbooks of PhD in Soil Science at the Pennsylvania State University, and by chance President Bill Clinton was on my graduation delivering his first speech for reelection ensuring how SERIOUS HIS COUNTRY WAS. Strange that I notified both about this ongoing weird situation, but they continued filing and issuing flawed patents that does not work and was deeply explained by my issued patent US 6,766,817.

Water only drops after crossing the water table reference as showed in the video above!

* As shown below, on Nov. 30, 2023, USPTO had issued 66;415 patents addressing fluid dynamics as wick/wicking, even worse, near TWO DECADES after my issued patent (US Pat. 6,766,817), in the same patent office, in the same language, grounded on basic knowledge on my PhD in Soil Science at Penn State Univ., blessed by the American President attesting how serious his country was ! How many of those LAY INVENTORS come from TOP ACADEMIC INSTITUTIONS pretending they are scientists IGNORING BASIC KNOWLEDGE PLENTY ON THEIR LIBRARIESUSPTO allowed blatantly at least 12 wealthy corporations to reinvent my SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY with frauded patents THAT IGNORES SCIENCE from lay people as inventors, patent attorneys and examiners. Sars-Cov-2 showed that Nature is in charge of science which requires neither LAW ENFORCEMENT nor faith, just coherence and HONESTY.

** An American President playing oral sex in his office was just a Logistic mistake and misleading. The president of Penn State University covering up a pedophile was gross as humans should respect children and families. Children need protection till their sexual mature age. SCIENCE IS THE FUNCTIONING OF NATURE as it should not be messed by business interest. NATURE DOES NOT CARE ABOUT HUMAN ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL VALUES. It seems that the SCIENTIFIC COMMUNITY lost track on its duties. This sort of of outcome let us to become suspicious on what scientists are preaching HARMING SCIENCE, by favoring business and ignoring nature functioningWE MUST LOOK BACKWARD TO UNDERSTAND HOW OUR PHYSIOLOGY WAS MOLDED DURING OUR EVOLUTION. IN ORDER TO PREVENT THAT MODERN LIFE HARM OUR NATURAL LIFESTYLE IN BALANCE WITH NATURE. Simple examples: 'Our lungs were developed for O2 and CO2 exchange and NOT SMOKE. Nature is so bounty that it would have given us a chimney instead of a nose. Human reproduction is HETEROSEXUAL as during our evolution NATURE decided about those ones to deliver their genetic code to offsprings. Homosexuality is an irrelevant deviation of our physiology with no outcome to human genetic pool. HOW FAR CAN HUMANS IGNORE NATURE FUNCTIONING REAPING WHAT IS SOWN?

*** There is no science supporting the economy and politics, but a blatant human manipulation of our spoiled culture. For example, Vang Gogh painting is not art, but BUSINESS, as it is an INVESTMENT MANIPULATION, letting investors put money on it and getting more and down the line. Vincent van Gogh (1853-1890), sold only one painting during his lifetime, different theories exist. NATURE DOES NOT CARE ABOUT OUR CURRENCIES AND BORDERS.

'Scientists are failing on Science obscuring our future!'.


“Astronomers have determined that our universe is 13.7 billion years old. How exactly did they come to this precise conclusion? How Old Is the Universe?  How was the universe 100 billion of years ago? The best answer by Epistemology and Metaphysics of Science: WE DO NOT KNOW THE AGE AND SIZE OF THE UNIVERSE This silly statement of 13,7 billion of years assume that one day IN THE PAST nothing existed and then the next day the universe was born- LIKE A MOTHERLESS BABY! Probably some stars so far away, might exist, but their lights haven’t reached us yet. Some lights may still come and others not as our planet has an expiration date!


Trying to understand a massive violation of my first issued patet (US Pat. 6,766,817) by USPTO I noticed that many SCIENTISTS inventors employing the terminology ‘wick/wicking’ neither understand the functioning of oil lamps nor Hydrogeology, concerning the principles of the Hydraulic Zones. Also, most of them were not lectured about Philosophy of Science to undestand how science works.

They come up with scientific flaws as wicks only have negative hydraulic flow (unsaturated)Wick is a porous flexible structure that moves fuel upward to the flame (Unsaturated Hydraulic Flow). Besides of hydrodynamic properties, wicks also need to resist to high temperatures of flames. It is a basic Etymological flaw to call something as a wick that fails as wick on oil lamps. Even more, wicks could never be used as a draining porosity. After all, wicks never worked in the bottom of oil lamps. The sciences that handle fluids moving on porosity. like Hydrology, Hydrogeology and Soil Physics have no single quotation on wick/wicking simply because the Hydrodynamics is far more complex than oil lamps, requiring no flames at all, just a HYDRAULIC GRADIENT.

What is the point of USPTO allowing frauded patents, that does not work from lay inventors and wealthy corporations, violating claims already issued, grounded by advanced scientific background of classical sciences HYDROLOGY, HYDROGEOLOGY AND SOIL PHYSICS  plenty on libraries? Illiterate people do not write patents as literate ones are educated enough to avoid such embarassment. After all, the US as the leader of the world is supposed to be serious and show some coherent and logical behavior.


'Is it a result of naive negligence on duties, or just a daring will to insinuate how far stupidity can reach? After all, Americans wasted around 1.2 million lives of their citizens to Sars-Cov-2 in the last pandemic more than of all wars combined. It seems that profiting was more important than saving lives, till hospitals got clogged and colective burials started, making the US the largest tragedy on COVID-19 in the world!




Ignoring SCIENCE is like misstepping with DUE CONSEQUENCES!

Flooding in the South of Brazil, tragedies from Sars-Cov-2 and Genocide in Gaza and Ukraine show that politicians fail on their duties harming families and children by sponsoring weapon industries and biased leadership for ignoring NATURE FUNCTIONING.





‘What is the chance that Alfred Nobeauthor of 355 patents and Albert Einstein author of 50 patents would be beyond the boundaries of comprehension on their own issued patents granting them protection for their intellectual property achievement?’

Abraham Duncan Stroock
Dept: Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering - Cornell University
Title: Associate Professor


Ph.D., Harvard UniversityChemical Physic (2002)
M.S., University Paris VI and XI,Solid State Physics (1997)
B.A. Cornell UniversityPhysics (1995)

De: Abraham Duncan Stroock [mailto:abe.stroock@cornell.edu]
Enviada em: terça-feira, 22 de abril de 2014 22:20
Para: Elson Silva, PhD
Assunto: RE: [06856] Protecting Hydrology Science from REINVENTION by corrupt LAY PEOPLE colluding with USPTO - US Pat 8,701,469

Dear Dr. Silva,

‘...  If you have a point to make about my treatment of hydrological concepts, I ask that you take the time to explain your specific points of disagreement.  I note that my work is better represented in my publications (available at http://www.stroockgroup.org/home/publicationsthan in patents, as the lawyers have been translated the latter into legalese that I do not understand.


FOOD FOR THOUGHT – If an inventor PhD from Harvard can have USPTO issued patents to protect his intellectual property rights but he does NOT understand it, how much the Patent Attorney and Patent Examiner knows about the issue granted protection by US Government. If it holds true, it means that Lawyers know about science more than scientists doAmazing! I just imagine TODAY Albert Einstein trying to get patents with his scientific papers .. . It means that those guys in the patenting affairs would handle Theory of Relativity more than him.. AwesomeMayday Mother Nature!

My ‘scientific breakthrough’ deals deeply with Hydrogeology/Soil Physics/Hydrology. When I took classes at the Pennsylvania State University of such disciplines during my PhD in Soil Science I remember seeing no single Law student as classmate.

Would a signed DOC called POWER OF ATTORNEY to let PATENT ATTORNEYS becoming   SCIENTISTS just because they got B.S. in some field of science? WHERE IS THE BOUNDARY  between LAW and SCIENCE inside an ISSUED PATENT?

Who decides in a patent conflict?  Jury? Judges? Scientists? Who undestand the boundaries of SCIENCE?

What is the LEGALESE of science?

If my patent was being violated I had simple questions to pursue:

·       Was it a casual violation or a clear biased trend?
·       Had the examiner already cited my patent earlier?
·       Did the inventors and examiner have technical-scientific background in the issue?
·       Was the violator a wealthy party?
·      Was the examiner citing my patent to be sure he was granting new claims not claimed before?
·      Why my issued patent was being randomly cited for irrelevant patents and ignored when violated blatantly? 


From: Moulis, Thomas <Thomas.Moulis@uspto.gov> 
Date: Fri, Aug 7, 2015 at 12:40 PM 
Subject: RE: Conspiracy and Brainwashing III – USPTO is preaching to their Patent Examiners that they do not need to be known in the art for judging and allowing IP rights when issuing patents! 
To: Elson Silva, PhD <tubarc@gmail.com>

You are a fool--- 

If you can’t understand legal or technical writing, you have no business blogging about it 

Wicking” is a term of art---fluid will travel in any direction via the fibers—regardless of gravity


(It means that Legal oil lamps and Legal candles can work upsided down immune to gravity! Oh Dear!)

"Wick/wicking is in the US patent classification system (WIPO as well) but not on HYDROLOGY textbooks."

LEGAL WICKING as the term of the art regardless of gravity confirms USPTO long standing bias more than a century ignoring hydrology on conductivity parameters of issued patents:


The technical importance of Hydrotechnology can be verified by exploratory analysis of the conductivity parameters: Thermal, Electric, and Hydraulic; mentioned in the issued patents in the USLay people that are not aware of Hydrology, Hydrogeology, or Soil Physics have employed the terminology of ‘wick/wicking’ instead of Unsaturated Hydraulic Conductivity respecting Hydraulic ZONES, when the fluid flow is positive (+) or negative (-) observing their intrinsic HYDRAULIC PROPERTIES..

USPTO search issued patents on:

                                                                               Jan 07,2015                                Nov 30, 2023
Thermal/Heat Conductivity                       100.744                                          176.074
Electrical/Electric Conductivity                  76.949                                          139.254
Hydraulic Conductivity                                     750                                              1.329
Unsaturated Hydraulic Conductivity                 29                                                   38
Wick/wicking                                                 33.577                                            66.415

"Violation of scienceWhy bad apples spoil the barrel?C O N T A M I N A T I O N !

It can be concluded that Unsaturated Hydraulic Conductivity mentioned in only 29 issued patents on January 7, 2015 had been ignored by USPTO inventors opening a wide GAP for a new science - Hydrotechnology. A large number of issued patents that mention the term ‘wick/wicking’ 33,577 (66.415) issued patents shows a huge technical-scientific gap as lay people unaware of Hydrology try to develop fluidic devices without checking specialized scientific literature plenty of libraries from old and classical sciences.

'SCIENCE is our understanding on nature functioning'.


HUMANS learn to respect NATURE early as babies on the first steps taming gravity for walking and running. Soon we understand the consequences of  misstepping and falling down.


IN CONCLUSION, all issued patents dealing with wick/wicking are CERTAINLY  frauded because  PATENT EXAMINERS ignored their homework from the beginning of their lives - GRAVITY 

Sir Isaac Newton defined the Law of Universal Gravitation in 1687. He was inspired to formulate his theory of gravitation by watching the fall of an apple from a tree.


De: Owen, Steven [mailto:steven.owen@uconn.edu]
Enviada em: quarta-feira, 5 de outubro de 2011 11:36
Para: Elson Silva, PhD
Assunto: RE: {SPAM?} Protecting Hydrology Science from REINVENTION

Mr. Silva, has anyone ever called you a nutcase

Are people out to get you? 

Are you having some trouble keeping up with your medications?


Steven V. Owen
University Professor Emeritus
Educational Psychology


After 30 years teaching Educational Psychology at the University of Connecticut, Steven V. Owen, Ph.D., became a biostatistician at the University of Texas. After a decade, he retired to Northern California. Dr. Owen has served as evaluator and statistical consultant on more than 50 projects and grants and has authored or coauthored more than 100 publications.

Dr. Owen, my entire life I have been keeping up with this special prescription from Mother Nature: 

http://youtu.be/E3d-JRg28p8                    https://youtu.be/czv2OiiC5wA


This email from an Emeritus Faculty of Educational Psychology provided valuable insights and feedback showing how deep the academic community is compromised on scientific affairs in the US.They were supposed to know that Darcy’s Law on Hydraulic Conductivity is not written in the US constitution, but endorsed by Mother NatureTHE US AS THE FIRST ECONOMIC POWER IN THE WORLD GRABBED TWO-THIRDS (411/621) OF NOBEL PRIZE NOMINATIONS FOR SCIENCE. Exploratory Analysis shows that the American scientific community has been violating Hydrology science in the Patenting System more than a century, leaving a gap huge enough for a new science  Hydrotechnology It seems that working with the Chemistry of explosives is far more profitable than the Hydrology of self-watering flower pots.

It is very likely that that few scientists do understand the meaning of their titles PhD as Philosophy Doctor from Philosophy of Science (Epistemology, Metaphysics, Logics, and History of Science).

In my neighborhood, I saw the Scientific Police taking pictures of swings I installed on trees for children in the Park during the COVID-19 pandemic lock down. Society try to employ the word SCIENCE for POWER, but there is a misunderstanding as scientific principles claim TRANSPARENCY and HONESTY. Nature is in charge of SCIENCE as there is no POLICE to enforce Nature LAWS. Even religion try to use Scientology for credibility. I like the simple conception that God = Nature. However, Nature writes no books, promises no lands, no life after death, NO WAR or death in name of a divine. RELIGIONS were created to attenuate losses on human conflicts, attacking or defending conmmunties. But now, it is acombination of POLITICS and BUSINESSES exploiting human broad ignorance. In around 4 billions of years of our planet, it seems that we got no aliens to affect our evolution. Plants developed the basic bioengineering of making up organic matter, but herbivores and carnivores inherited partial reengineering to breaking down sun energy harvested in the chemistry of carbon molecules. Nature also designed the reproductive system for each life being to ensure survival and evolution. Most probable we are not leaving our home until the end in 6 to 8 billions of years. Human challenge is to keep nuclear weapons safe, cropping soils, mining our minerals and preserve our home in balance with nature functioning, making our blue planet good for all humans. So, we are protected from aliens as they are protected from human continuous arrogance and destruction. WE HAD TO CALL OUR OWN SPECIES as  homo sapiens TO PRETEND THAT WE KNOW.

What we see in the universe is just for light travelling at 300.000 km/s. So far, our modern rockets can travel up to 30.000 km/h (1 hour = 3.600 seconds)

If we increased the speed of our rocket TEN TIMES to 300.000 km/h. it would be travelling in ONE HOUR what LIGHT CAN TRAVEL IN A SECOND!  Human knowlege is very limited in the extremes of time and space. We need to learn to say: WE DO NOT KNOW IT!!!! We do not know how big the universe is, how it started, and how old it is, etc.

INTERESTING! – I got surprised that suspicious street criminals helped to install and protect swings I installed for children in the Park in my neighborhood during the pandemic lockdown. People at any age playing in the swings were never targeted by criminality, as vandalism reported was rare and insignificant. We started simple, but the success was so high that we developed swings of wood or tire, rope ladders, and short ziplines for all ages. Based on frauded reports from non-user bothered by the noise of happy children playing in the park, all toys THREE TIMES were shamefully destroyed by the mayor Park and Gardening Dept.  No user had filed any complaint, as there was no damage to the trees or public assets. Even a report from TV showing that swings are also important to adults on therapy for depression besides repelling drug user and attract children and families to parks. The benefits are high as the cost is insignificant giving low opportunity for money bribery.  No press got any interest to report that distorted public service took the children natural playground away. PUBLIC MONEY IS THE MAJOR INCOME TO THE PRESS IN BRAZILThe conclusion is that criminals have more family affection and respect than our public managers doALL INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY IS ENGAGED IN PRESERVING FORESTS BUT I SEE NO CHILDREN PLAYING ON PUBLIC TREES ON PARKS IN ANY PART OF THE WORLD. My videos below registered this event on how important and outstanding it can be saving trees and having children swinging on them in the urban areas. When  I see so many children and women being decimated in GAZA I have this feeling that our worst criminals are in the chain of power and not serving time in jail.







THE WORST CRIMINALS ARE IN THE CHAIN OF POWER, not serving time in jail! The American president caught doing oral sex in his office, was the speecher of my PhD commencement at Penn State Univ. The university president who signed my PhD diploma let young boys being raped for a decade in the facilities where I got my scientific education. The higher education that Americans can provide to their citizens come from ‘scientists authors of US patents beyond their comprehension, violating science and supporting a reinvention policy. Like in my neighborhood, the GENOCIDE IN GAZA DECIMATING WOMEN AND CHILDREN comes from POWERFULL PEOPLE with scant affection to families and children. Justice has the power to make the TRUTH legal or illegal, by ignoring Nature and stepping over the boundaries of science, supporting dangerous dictators careless enough to destroy our planet.


Only HONESTY is the unique equation to ensure our future.


Why Hydrotechnology as a NEW SCIENCE is lagging like a ghost since 2014?

1.    REINVENTION POLICY in the US is just one more outcome from the rooted economic ambition in the richest country in the world by letting greed and fear replace offer and demand, neglecting HONESTY and reasoning, causing the 2008 Economic Meltdown burning 41 trillion dollars of the world economy. The Covid-19 tragedies was a struggle between saving lives and profiting, when the US as the leader wasted  around 1,2 million victims, that was only restrained with clogged hospitals and collective burials. In addition, Americans are the leader of a spreading obesity having a third of its citizens obese and two-thirds overweight by combining excessive food and machinery with sedentary lifestyles and electronic gadgets brooding a SPECIAL MODERN MAN with lower brain resources from neurogenesis effect reducing neurons and mood, making humans dumber and grumpier, tougher to rescue.

2.     HONESTY is a vanishing human attribute inside corporations, government, institutions, academic, and scientific communities. Like muscles, our brain also comes with variable performance potential. We try to coin the best brains as intelligent, but it is a waste of natural resources if gifted ones do not take care of themselves and the wellbeing of their own species. A simple deduction of curbed waistlines come from clever ones.

3.   Today, any scientist following the steps of Alfred Nobel would end up in Guantanamo Bay or a tycoon of weaponry industries on Wall Street waging wars on poor countries. Alfred Nobel known as the ‘Merchant of Death’ and ‘Father of Dynamite’ installed 90 weaponry plants claiming as a pacifist. He never attended any university, nor did he obtain any degree. It shows that working with the chemistry of explosives is far more profitable and accepted than the Hydrology of self-watering flowerpots.

4. Modern Scientists of academia assume that dozens of articles published on WEALTHY  scientific journals and a VALUEABLE Nobel Prize nomination is the beacon of science, by endorsing economic power and ignoring Nature balance functioning. The American scientific community ignored HYDROLOGY on patenting affairs more than a century leaving a gap huge enough for a new science HYDROTECHNOLOGY.  The US grabbed 2/3 of Nobel Prizes (411/621) clearly supporting a WICKED REINVENTION POLICY, outstanding enough for an Economic Nobel Prize nomination, by concocting many folds of INVENTION, creating the same thing over and over playing variable etymology, in the hands of powerful people bearing low brain resources.

5.   The press became highly biased on profiting by highlighting and/or suppressing critical information, as fear and greed make happiness and peace nearly worthless. Nature does not care about the economy as the rainfall and the sunlight come to us FREE OF CHARGE. Freedom of expression is more a business than a human right.

6.     It seems that the Pandora’s Box is open to let scientists refresh presumed principles, as Nature has no need of enforcement and faith. Humans bow to Nature early as babies taming gravity for walking and runningFalling down is the simple consequence of neglecting gravity by missteping. We had been deceived that weirdoes would sing open sesame on nature secrets, as scientific discoveries must come from expensive labs.

7.    How to measure the value of science? How to assess the importance of knowledge? How to pursue a balance with Nature? Uncontacted natives of Amazon jungle have enough knowledge to survive in balance with Nature functioning bearing ZERO obesity, ZERO deforestation rates, and NO POWER TO DESTROY OUR PLANET.

8.    The PATENTING SYSTEM is a scientific issue, not a LEGAL ONE. Law Schools just teach about Laws of man. Inventions come from increase of knowledge expanding the boundaries of science which deals with Nature functioning. A modern CAN OPENER may need Material Science, Mechanical Engineering, Electric and Electronic Engineering, so it can have memory, Wi-Fi, webcam, temperature and pressure sensors, timer, self-functioning and recording options, etc. Besides cans are replaced by high tech packaging.

9.     LEGAL SYSTEMS are human and highly prone to distortions playing with the truth between legal and illegal, while SCIENCE bow to Nature functioning as gravity, for example, is unique and always loyal to everything, everywhere, and every time. THE TRUTH MAY BECOME LEGAL OR ILLEGAL, harming science or supporting dangerous dictators.

My Demand to USPTO

It is not that hard to argue at the Court of the Law that Hydrological issues should be examined by Hydrologists.
My demand to USPTO is the same as the first letter sent on Oct. 2006:

1. Hire Examiners with background in Hydrogeology and/or Soil Physics so that they have full comprehension of fluids moving on porosity;
2. Cancel issued patents with scientific flaws. Obsolete patents are cancelled naturally by becoming outdated;
3. Make a public statement about Hydrology negligence hurting all Hydrological community as well as my project that needs experts in Hydrology to protect the content of my issued claims.
4. Compensate for my losses since as an inventor filing patents I was not expecting lay people handling hydrology in the examination process by USPTO.
5. Since USPTO is failing to protect my IP rights my patents should be eligible for time extension of their expiration dates (new demand).
6. Issue a bill requiring Hydrology be handled by Hydrologists preventing laypeople from harming standing common knowledge in the scientific literature (new demand).
7. Disclose the technical and educational background of the Patent Examiners showing their expertise boundaries for judgment (new demand).
8.  Make people accountable for breaking THE LAW regarding my complaints (old demand).


Patenting System’ – On Sep. 16, 2007 I sent a letter to Ecolab, Inc. advising them that their patent application 20070212281 (Sep. 13, 2007) was violating mine US 6,766,817 (Jul. 25, 2001), and that it had a compromising scientific flaw failing to deliver fluid. I got no answer, but I also sent a letter to USPTO notifying about this blatant flaw and violations. In the Fig. 1 water only drips if the porous device crosses the water table reference downward from the Unsaturated to the Saturated Hydraulic Zone. I got a reply from a USPTO Lawyer saying that there was a provision Law allowing the size of the drawings be different from the real final products. I replied saying that my technical schooling at High School taught that parallel lines never meet each other at any scale employed. My initial assumption was that the background of USPTO patent examiners could be lower than High School standards. Perhaps, even worse as High School students would go back and diligently fix their mistakes as obvious as a scale detail. My surprise was that this patent application was issued afterwards on Oct. 23, 2007 (US 7,285,255). So, to make it appalling, it was filed again on Jan. 24, 2008 (US 20080019865) and issued on Mar. 2, 2010 (US 7,670,551). My deep learning about such human issue was that ‘sometimes people are so dumb that you must refrain to tell them simply because they miss enough intellectual power to understand such a complex and deep explanation’. It becomes a waste of time to elaborate on how stupid they are because they will not be able to grab it. Then, the simple question is:

Why would somebody want to file patents claiming an invention that is flawedfails, and was already invented grounded on advanced scientific background? (I must admit that within my deep logical reasoning I cannot find any simple answer to such inquire; illiterate people do not write patents, as literate people are educated enough to avoid such embarrassment).

 They must be aliens from another dimension pursuing a different logical functioning!

Then, I was expecting that the academic environment would be different as faculties usually are PhD and highly committed to honor, respect, ethics, and complying with the Law. Universities have libraries and access to common knowledge preached on text books and classrooms. But, Dr. Amir Faghri and Dr. Zhen Guo working at the former Fuel Cell Center at the University of Connecticut believed that Hydrology from their Library could be ignored as well as my patent rights at USPTO when issuing US 7,625,649 ‘Vapor feed fuel cells with a passive thermal-fluids management system’. It was sent many letters requesting IDS of US 6,766,817 to many faculties and IP management team at Univ. of Connecticut. Nobody there felt any urge to respect neither Classical Hydrology nor the Law on already issued patents on the subject. Looking at the drawings it looks like it was a straight lousy copycat by a PhD faculty showing arrogance and how stupid he can be by ignoring a ‘scientific breakthrough’. I have no idea why faculties want to work with fluid ignoring an old and classic science Hydrology. Dr. Zhen Guo got his PhD at Florida International University in Mechanical Engineering working with fuel cells filing a patent (20060046123) with his advisor Dr. Yiding Cao showing that they had no idea about fluid dynamics between Hydraulic Zones. At least they abandoned such flawed patent application!

I am curious why graduate students get PhD titles not learning about Philosophy of Science: Epistemology, Metaphysics, Logics, and History of Science. I had to school myself about the background of my title.

It is funny as there is no microfluid in Hydrology Science. I found Microfluidics at Wikipedia but the prefix word ‘hydro’ is never employed in a long explanation text with 56 references: Microfluidics is a multidisciplinary field intersecting engineering, physics, chemistry, biochemistry, nanotechnology, and biotechnology, with practical applications to the design of systems in which low volumes of fluids are processed to achieve multiplexing, automation, and high-throughput screening. . .’How is it possible to work with fluids in micro dimension ignoring Hydrology, the science of fluids? No need to learn about Hydraulic Conductivity, Hydraulic Zones, Capillarity, Hydraulic Potential, and so on! How is it possible to address fluid dynamics without Hydrology? 

Why would any scientist work with microfluid Ignoring Hydrology textbooks? Dr. Vera Gorfinkel never studied Hydrology in her full life and had no single Hydrology reference to show that she did her homework on background requirements. Education: Ph.D. in Physics & Mathematics from A.F.Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute St. Petersburg, Russia, 1980, M.S. (with honors) in Semiconductor Physics, Saratov State University, Russia, 1973. (8,231,844) Method and device for manipulating liquids in microfluidic systems. Dr. Gorfinkel invented Tubarc again neither knowing Hydrology with any citation nor US 6,766,817.

Carnegie Mellon University ignores Advanced Hydrology, the Law, Ethics, and Honesty. Complex Engineering on hydrodynamics is confused on geometries between squares and circlesDr. Fedder, PhD, is proposing a squared geometry in order to control fluid dynamics employing ‘Capillary Action’, which comes from the cylindrical structure conception – capillary’. How much brain power is required to realize that ‘capillary action’ is a cylindrical geometric conception to capture unsaturated hydraulic flow when the solid surface of porosity pulls fluids upward against gravity having a suction or negative hydraulic flow? Frankly speaking can any capillary be squared? It seems that Nature opted for rounded geometries since the beginning making the sun, earth, cells, veins, trunks, etc, all rounded and rounded. Dr. Fedder empty skull is also rounded!

I got PhD in Soil Science at Penn State University as the University former President Graham Spanier and famous Joe Pa more than a decade let disadvantaged boys being raped in the university locker rooms in order to keep the money a fame coming steady. Now Carnegie Mellow is just raping science and shamefully cheating on Academic Affairs in collusion with USPTO shameful reinvention policy. Dr. Gary K. Fedder the Director of the Institute for Complex Engineered Systems (ICES) got B.S. and M.S. from MIT in 1982 and 1984, obtaining in 1994 PhD at the University of California at Berkeley. I had to carry out more than 3,000 experiments till 2001 when I was ready to file my American patent which was then published in 2003, and issued on 2004. Dr. Fedder filed his lazy patent in 2006 and requested Nonpublication option to keep it a secret till 2013 (8,501,117) waiting 7 years expecting my project to vanish.

Dr. Fedder never studied Hydrology having no idea that in 1856 Darcy Law proposes an equation to address Hydraulic Conductivity and that in 1907 Edgard Buckingham proposed a change to address Unsaturated Hydraulic Flow (wicking for lay people). He is not aware about Hydraulic Zones, pores connectivity, anisotropic flow, etc. In order to be loyal to nature functioning I proposed tubarc standing for tube + arc, as a sort of upgrade to capillarity allowing lateral flow important for general porosity functioning. The soap bubble is rounded as it represents the most efficient distribution of forces. Squared format works also, but it is not at the best performance attainable!

My recent conclusion is that lay people behind wick/wicking neither understand HYDROLOGY nor the functioning of oil lamps!

University of California, Princeton University, and many others are trying to address fluidic devices by ignoring Hydrology Science as well as issued patents like US 6,766,817. I was aware of this shortcoming that I quoted this:

US 6,766,817: p. 2 line 60:
‘Specialized scientific literature about unsaturated zones also recognizes this shortcoming. For example: "Several differences and complications must be considered. One complication is that concepts of unsaturated flow are not as fully developed as those for saturated flow, nor are they as easily applied." (See Dominico & Schwartz, 1990. Physical and Chemical Hydrogeology. Pg. 88. Wiley). Concepts of unsaturated flow have not been fully developed to date, because the "capillary action" utilized to measure the adhesion-cohesion force of porosity is restrained by capillary tube geometry conceptions. The term "capillary action" has been wrongly utilized in the art as a synonym for unsaturated flow, which results in an insinuation that the tube geometry conception captures this phenomenon when in truth it does not.’

Concepts of unsaturated flow can be developed by employing artificial porosity between hydraulic zones with a longitudinal continuity far more consistent and advanced than the granular porosity of rocks and soils. The fluid moves reversibly into a response of the hydraulic gradient which can be outlined to work under gravity conditions or a more complex setup always exploiting molecular connectivity on fluid dynamics.


Scientific Breakthrough – Water dynamics through soil porosity was a fresh understanding on my PhD background in Soil Science working with spatial analyses of rainfall distribution in the Amazon Basin in 1996. Hydraulic Zones was a common knowledge I learned in many disciplines at Penn State University, especially Hydrogeology. In early 1998 I was helping my wife tending her African Violets at home making them lush by flooding and draining in a basin. To make the process practical with many flower pots I used cords for ‘wicking’ irrigation. Then, I realized that the cords were made of synthetic fibers and potentially a sort of permanent stable porosity as plastic can resist to biological degradation. The insight was a permanent interface between the Hydraulic Zones Unsaturated/Saturated tenable by an advanced porosity of cylinders that could be modelled with longitudinal prevalent flow. It was not hard to grab that those nylon cords would fail on oil lamps as a ‘wick’, not resisting to the high temperature of flames, burning and deforming. Epistemology of science was contriving an etymological requirement regarding a precise compliance to the conception by deducing that, a fluidic device that fail as a wick cannot be called wick. Furthermore, the classic science Hydrology provides a complex hydrodynamic functioning far beyond oil lamp profile of a porosity feeding fuel to a flame that must be resistant to high temperatures of fire. Exploratory analyses by a hanging drying paper on a wall could portrait this visual spatial dynamics. And, a plastic pot with dry soil would assess the maximum unsaturated flow velocity and water retention dynamics for this granular porosity system. Then, I filed a patent in Brazil and in less than a year the first product was marketed. In the manufacturing process of self-watering flower pots it turned out that around 100,000 pots were failing because the cord braiding was too tight squeezing the pores leaving no room for water movement. Learning with perforations of Xylem and Phloem on sap vessels I had this simple idea of moving the pores inside the fiber upgrading capillarity to an enhanced porosity I dubbed ‘tubarc’ standing for tube + arcTubarc would be more resistant to tight braiding also allowing a continuous lateral flow from the cylindrical structure protecting a longitudinal continuous pore in the core. Afterwards I noticed that lay people behind wick/wicking neither understand Hydrology nor the functioning of oil lamps disclosing a huge technical gap lasting more than a century on fluidic devices. Few people know that wick/wicking is Unsaturated Hydraulic Flow moving fluid upward to the flame as this technical expression so common in Soil Science was totally ignored by inventors so far.

Conspiracy on Reinvention by Lawyers, Corporations, Institutions and Faculties – In partnership with two American Patent Attorneys I opened a company in the US getting issued patents on my ‘scientific breakthrough’ outstanding enough to path the fundaments for a new science I call Hydrotechnology'the hydrology of artificial porosity'. My partners got impressed on how easy the first patent was issued, as I employed a terminology from Hydrogeology and Soil Physics. Well, wick/wicking was not in my scientific literature from my PhD. Later my partners quit the project arguing that in the US small parties have no chance against the big bully parties They said that in the US even a 'scientific breakthrough’ couldn’t succeed on poor hands! I thought that science was serious and strong enough to stand by itself but now I can realize their decision on such issue as I can get a sturdy and continuous feedback from the scientific community. Bill Clinton then American President was on my PhD commencement on May 10, 1996 delivering his first speech for reelection. He said that we were endowed with the highest education that the American society could provide to their citizens as we were going to develop new technologies never imagined before. The underlying truth on leadership is just depressing as Bill Clinton few weeks later was doing oral sex with Monica Lewinsky intern in the White House office. Penn State president Graham Spanier (who signed my PhD diploma) and Joe Paterno coach were covering up a wave of pedophile abuse that lasted a decade letting Jerry Sandusky abuse disadvantaged boys at the university facilities where I got my PhD. President Barack Obama assigned a near obese lady Dr. Regina Benjamin as General Surgeon to guide Americans on a fight against obesity an issue she was failing personally to achieve a balance in the modern landscape. During my PhD I ran a half-marathon in 1h26min. Following this embarrassing trend misguiding human affairs Roche Diagnostics was trying to develop an enhanced porosity for lancets to collect blood for glucose test. Figure 6 shows undoubtedly that their scientists had no idea about spatial geometry for fluid conduction missing Hydrogeology insights. So, Roche learned with my patent, copied it, and reinvented again many times like Fig 12 in collusion with USPTO and Law FirmsThe positive side is that I indeed created something outstanding for human kind to endure eternity borrowing insights from the beginning of life. The negative side is that instead of thanking me and rewarding my achievement on many years of hard working so I can continue my project developing it further and further. Instead they prefer to steal it with lazy and flawed patents and arrogance colluding with corrupt government officials that are failing disgracefully on their duties. USPTO allows multiple patent files for the same invention, assigns lay examiners covering up their technical background. USPTO is supporting a wave of broad reinvention plot many times with flawed patents from wealthy and lay inventors pretending they know what they are doing, also like Illumina, Medtronic, Carefusion, and many others. As a scientist I must know my own species and the broad range of human absurdity achievable as most scientists do not understand nature principles mainly honesty. Those people do not understand how honesty is powerful on guiding human affairs, like water falling from the sky draining back toward the ocean feeding a water cycle that is unique and never pretend a skewed profile. Humans learn how to respect nature as babies when crawling and learning about gravity so they can walk complying with basic laws of human existence regarding walking mechanics. The punishment for disrespecting nature on missteping is right away on a fall feeling the body smashing to the ground and reaping the rewards for such negligence. failure to a scientist is the creation or a proposal of a theory or hypothesis that is not endorsed by Mother Nature on its complex functioning that constantly challenges human abstraction for deduction. Honesty is the sole key to peek and grab nature hiding secrets subtle to those ones ignoring the principles.

Geological Porosity is the first generation of porosity that was created around 2 billion of years ago in the weathering of rocks making soils with a random distribution of particles. Biological Porosity, as the second generation of porosity is more organized and was created about a billion of years ago by live beings growing in size needing to cycle fluids internally in the tissues developing appropriate channels. Tubarc Porosity becomes the third generation of porosity having a spatial geometry modelling with a prevalent longitudinal flow. It borrows insights from Hydraulic Zones of geological porosity and biological porosities in the functioning of perforations of Phloem and Xylem, as well as human limitations to handle matter at molecular level. Tubarc enlightens a deduction of new hydrodynamic properties like molecular connectivity on self-sustaining reversible fluid supply/drainage in the interplay between Hydraulic Zones employing advance porosity functioning.

I was wondering if in my lifetime man would be able to craft fluidic devices with tubarc conception I engendered. More than that, as humans are so resourceful that recreation is being invented, perhaps a New Theory of Knowledge, by creating the same things over and over just playing variable Etymology. Not surprising as humans also invented Gods that write sacred books, promise lands and even life after death, sometimes demanding killings in its name. Life after death was a soothing theory to send our children to their death on wars for conquering/defending our communities. Furthermore, they are daring and deceiving to claim that humans were made like God insinuating we are not just one more species among so many in a complex nature functioning. Simple coherence points out that the underlying truth is very disappointing as the main reason for humans being so dominant in the Animal Kingdom had been our capacity to destroy and eat most our similar ones during our evolution. We are so exclusive changing the landscape because of our overwhelming destructive power. A more positive outcome down the line is achievable when HONESTY becomes the keystone for humans pursuing a balance with Mother Nature halting a broad range of pretension that we know. We solved a starvation dilemma by creating a new problem called obesity coming from excessive food and machinery that replaces our muscles. Fattening our bodies building reserves of energy does not make sense when most humans sleep in a bed a few steps away from a fridge so plenty of food. It seems that life is indeed a problem solving game with plenty of challenges to make our survival a continuous adventure toward eternity.

Absurd 1 – I am not a Hydrologist. To be honest none of them is a Hydrologist since neither wick/wicking nor microfluid can be found on Hydrology textbooks. All those people violating science, breaking the Law and colluding with USPTO on reinvention and brainwashing is familiar with water science just by washing hands and taking shower. Paul Yager, PhD is a Chemist mentioning wick 54 times at his patent application (20150361487).The size of this shame can be gauged on numbers as today Jan 10, 2016 wick/wicking is mentioned in 35.499 issued patents while Unsaturated Hydraulic Flow is mentioned in just 42 issued patents. It can be observed that my three issued patents were the first ones to deploy Hydrogeology to the fluidic devices in the patenting system (6,766,8176,918,404, and 7,066,586). (De: John Mehl [mailto:jmehl11@hfs.washington.edu] Enviada em: sexta-feira, 8 de janeiro de 2016 16:56 . . I don’t know why you would send this to me. I am a chef, not a hydrologist. Please remove me from your email list. Thanks, JOHN MEHL, Executive Chef & General Manager, McMahon 8, Housing & Food Services – UW Dining). So, I have no need to send emails to Hydrologists.

Absurd 2 – Lawyers are meddling with science as they do not write PhD thesis! Dr. Stroock is a scientist at Cornell Univ. that got his PhD at Harvard. He sent me this reply: ‘Dear Dr. Silva, ‘...  If you have a point to make about my treatment of hydrological concepts, I ask that you take the time to explain your specific points of disagreement.  I note that my work is better represented in my publications (available at http://www.stroockgroup.org/home/publications) than in patents, as the lawyers have been translated the latter into legalese that I do not understand.’ Just imagine if Albert Einstein, Antoine Lavoisier or Henry Darcy get patents on their scientific achievement but would not be able understand the language content on their issued patents on ‘Theory of Relativity’, ‘Equal Mass Law Equation’, or ‘Darcy’s Law’ assuring intellectual property protection from US government.

Absurd 3 – USPTO assigns lay examiners to judge issues they have no understanding. Arlen Soderquist a Patent Examiner claiming to be a Chemist scientist from Utah is confident that he can examine Hydrology even having no background about this old classical science. I am curious on how much Hydrology the Department of Chemistry of University of Utah provides to their students. This is the way Dr. Soderquist sees Hydrology; very funny and so different from the scientific literature and basic textbooks of Hydrology so plenty on libraries. He does not know that gravity exists affecting the Hydraulic Gradient Potential. The Saturated Zone is the bottom (fluid fuel) and the Unsaturated Zone is on the top as the fluid moves upward to the flame (wick). My deceased father a coffee farmer with two years of schooling knew about it as we used many oil lamps. He knew that the flame was on the top and the fuel deposit was in the bottom, and that the fuel would move upward as we had to refill it once in a while!

US 6,766,817: p. 1 line 65
‘A fluid that possesses a positive pressure can be generally defined in the field of hydrology as saturated fluid. Likewise, a fluid that has a negative pressure (i.e., or suction) can be generally defined as an unsaturated fluid. Fluid matric potential can be negative or positive. For example, water standing freely at an open lake, can be said to stand under a gravity pull. The top surface of the liquid of such water accounts for zero pressure known as the water table or hydraulic head. Below the water table, the water matric potential (pressure) is generally positive because the weight of the water increases according to parameters of force per unit of area. When water rises through a capillary tube or any other porosity, the water matric potential (e.g., conventionally negative pressure or suction) is negative because the solid phase attracts the water upward relieving part of its gravitational pull to the bearing weight. The suction power comes from the amount of attraction in the solid phase per unit of volume in the porosity. 

Why USPTO is a sham system designed to conspiring and cheating harming any technological development?

  1. USPTO hides the technical background of Patent Examiners as we do not know how much they are known in the art for judging the boundaries of technical issues for inventions (Epistemology)
  2. USPTO allows multiple applications of the same invention collecting more money from wealthy parties and letting some of them get through by lay Patent Examiners
  3. USPTO assigns lay examiners that allow reinvention with flawed lazy patents from wealthy parties colluding with corrupt dishonest Patent Attorneys and Patent Examiners.
  4. Inventors are forced to sue wealthy parties violating their issued patents sometimes with flawed patents feeding a surge of Lawyers and bureaucracy that plunder on this ongoing conspiracy.

Is it possible to reinvent the same thing over and over varying inventors and/or dates?

Is it a new Theory of Knowledge that we can reach invention^n on many folding dimensions of creation?

I am a scientist, but did I miss anything during my PhD at Penn State Univ. regarding Philosophy of Science?

Academic and Corporate Pillage on Hydrology Science

Stanford University123456
Princeton University IIIIIIIV          

CareFusion Corporation - Assaulting a ‘Scientific Breakthrough’  US Pat9,067,036 June 30, 2015, US Pat9,205,220 December 8, 2015 – reinvention with serious scientific flaws by lay people colluding with USPTO
MEDTRONIC, INC. is Ignoring Hydrology Science


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