(Tube + Arc)
Molecular Connectivity for DYNAMICS
Tubarc is a new conception in hydrodynamics from Hydrology as an enhanced porosity for fluid transmission allowing continuous lateral fluid movement to unsaturated hydraulic flow and anisotropy, which is a prevailing flow direction.

Tubarc offers high level of reliability since pores can be connected continuously with a prevailing flow direction very important to controlling hydrodynamic properties of fluids when moving by gradient of flow by adhesion-cohesion of solid phase.
Tubarc as a new proposed conception in hydrodynamics affects many applications associated to mass flow, porosity geometry, and molecular connectivity.
Tubarc is based on two important long standing scientific conceptions dealing with the hydrodynamics of fluids moving through porosity - Saturated and Unsaturated Hydraulic Zones:
1856 - Henry Darcy proposes the Darcy's Law for Saturated Hydraulic Zones
1907 - Edgard Buckingham proposes a change to Darcy's Law to adequate fluids moving on Vadose Zone which is the movement of water over the water table.

The advanced porosity employing Tubarc conceptions offer important features for controlling hydrodynamic properties important for fluid retention and conductions exploiting technological edges taking advantages of fluid matric gradient allowing self-sustaining flow for appropriate fluid delivery as well as fluid removal by molecular drainage.
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